The Real Housewives Wiki

Erin Lichy is a current main cast member on The Real Housewives of New York City.


Lichy joined The Real Housewives of New York City in its fourteenth season; making up one of the six new stars to join the show as the entire cast was completely overhauled after the previous season’s racism controversies and dip in ratings. Like the rest of her fellow co-stars, Erin is also starring in the upcoming fifteenth season.


Season 14[]

Lichy is described as a "born and raised Manhattan social butterfly who tends to find herself floating amidst the drama and isn't afraid to stir the pot". Her naturally keen eye for spotting the next trend and die-hard work ethic has led to a prominent reputation in the New York real estate scene, in addition to running an interior design firm. With the only things more important than her career being her three children and husband, Abe, this cosmopolitan is the definition of an overachiever who loves nothing more than to prove she can do it all. The season follows Erin and Abe mark their tenth wedding anniversary,

Season 15[]

Erin Lichy moved her family out of "up-and-coming" Tribeca and back to the Upper West Side in hopes of creating a more convenient life for her family. These days, however, Erin finds herself needing her friends more than ever as she struggles with a loved one’s cancer diagnosis while also navigating unexpected issues with her husband, Abe.


Mother Dorothy's Breast Cancer Diagnosis[]

Season 15[]

Erin gets a haircut in order to wear wigs in solidarity with her mother, who is undergoing chemotherapy due to her breast cancer prognosis in You Can Run But You Can't Ride. Ubah joins Erin and her mom, Dorothy at the wig shop. Ubah states she was the first person Erin called after finding out her mother’s dancer diagnosis. Erin is close to her mother, being her only kid. Her three step siblings are from her father’s second marriage.


Jenna Lyons[]

Season 15[]

Erin, Ubah, and Erin's friend Rebecca have lunch in Apple of My Lie. Brynn and Erin seem to have issues, Jenna hosted a get together for all the ladies, but Ubah did not attend. At the end of the night, Jenna asked Erin to stay behind and informed her that Brynn said Erin called Jenna poor. According to Jessel, Erin told her and Brynn that while having lunch with Jenna in the Hamptons, Jenna's car broke down. Erin called Jenna an Uber, and Jenna did not pay Erin back. Jessel thinks Brynn hears a different story whereas Jenna cannot pay Erin back because she is having money troubles. Erin vehemently refutes Brynn's version. Jenna feels trapped between Erin's and Brynn's versions of the story. Erin thinks Brynn is trying to get her back for Jeff Lewis (see next paragraph).

Jenna and Jessel accompany Brynn on her hunt for a kitchen table. Brynn clarifies she invited Jenna for her taste and Jessel for her honesty. Jenna realizes she has body odor, Jessel and Brynn are elated that Jenna is human. Brynn brings up Erin speculating where her money comes on Jeff Lewis's radio show, tension remains despite Erin's apparent apology at Jenna's hangout. They talk about the alleged story of Erin calling Jenna poor, Jenna says Erin told her she did not say it. Jessel thinks Erin was joking, Brynn does not think Erin was joking.

At Brynn's dinner, tension between Brynn and Erin runs high, as Jenna had refreshed Erin on their conversation while furniture hunting. Jessel tells Brynn Erin texted her "so disappointed" previous night while they go to the bar. Although without context Jessel thinks its about their conversation at the furniture store, and deduces that Jenna must had relayed it to Erin. Jessel and Erin are annoyed at the cryptic message. Jessel confronts Erin on the cryptic text, they talk separately from the group. Jessel states she does not think Erin called Jenna poor, Erin complains about Brynn and thinks she manipulates stories and uses it against other people. Erin brings up her and Sai's cheese conflict last season. They call Jenna over to clear things up, Jenna clarifies that she called Erin because she does not want her to think she brought the story up to stirring the pot. Jessel does not want to get involved. Brynn joins the ladies, Erin accuses Brynn of lying and argument ensues. Sai joins the group, Brynn thinks Erin told Jeff Lewis that she sleeps with men for money. The ladies think having a sugar daddy is great. Sai interjects with Jeff Lewis did not say that (the radio interlude shows Jeff Lewis heavily implying but did not say the exact words). Sai accuses Brynn for being jealous that Erin and Jenna got close, the night at Jenna's is brought up, stating there was tension between Brynn and Jessel. Brynn states the tension is from Sai's text of "f*ck you jessell and your Dory from finding nemo look a like husband too". Sai is mad and yells at at Brynn, calling her "Satan" and "narcissist". The argument escalates and Sai storms off to another table with Mel, Racquel, and Rebecca. Brynn leaves with Daris. Ubah arrives after the showdown.

Erin and Utah talk about Brynn’s get together previous episode while Erin’s mom tries on wigs in You Can Run But You Can't Ride. Erin is hurt and thinks Brynn is purposefully damaging her and Jenna’s friendship at a particularly vulnerable time for her. Thing has been “weird” between Erin and Jenna for the past 6 months and Erin thinks Brynn is to blame, despite Jenna stating it is not because of Brynn. Erin states Jenna revealed to all the ladies in Anguila about her money troubles that comes and goes. Erin thinks Brynn thought she was planning to take Jenna down when she rehashed the uber story. Erin recalls the cheese incident previous season. On another day, Brynn apologizes to Erin about the Jenna situation. Brynn explains that her ego was bruised because Jenna was surprised she forgave Erin quickly. They agree to disagree.

Brynn Whitfield[]

Season 15[]

Erin, Ubah, and Erin's friend Rebecca have lunch in Apple of My Lie. Brynn and Erin seem to have issues, Jenna hosted a get together for all the ladies, but Ubah did not attend. At the end of the night, Jenna asked Erin to stay behind and informed her that Brynn said Erin called Jenna poor. According to Jessel, Erin told her and Brynn that while having lunch with Jenna in the Hamptons, Jenna's car broke down. Erin called Jenna an Uber, and Jenna did not pay Erin back. Jessel thinks Brynn hears a different story whereas Jenna cannot pay Erin back because she is having money troubles. Erin vehemently refutes Brynn's version. Jenna feels trapped between Erin's and Brynn's versions of the story. Erin thinks Brynn is trying to get her back for Jeff Lewis (see next paragraph).

Jenna and Jessel accompany Brynn on her hunt for a kitchen table. Brynn clarifies she invited Jenna for her taste and Jessel for her honesty. Jenna realizes she has body odor, Jessel and Brynn are elated that Jenna is human. Brynn brings up Erin speculating where her money comes on Jeff Lewis's radio show, tension remains despite Erin's apparent apology at Jenna's hangout. They talk about the alleged story of Erin calling Jenna poor, Jenna says Erin told her she did not say it. Jessel thinks Erin was joking, Brynn does not think Erin was joking.

At Brynn's dinner, tension between Brynn and Erin runs high, as Jenna had refreshed Erin on their conversation while furniture hunting. Jessel tells Brynn Erin texted her "so disappointed" previous night while they go to the bar. Although without context Jessel thinks its about their conversation at the furniture store, and deduces that Jenna must had relayed it to Erin. Jessel and Erin are annoyed at the cryptic message. Jessel confronts Erin on the cryptic text, they talk separately from the group. Jessel states she does not think Erin called Jenna poor, Erin complains about Brynn and thinks she manipulates stories and uses it against other people. Erin brings up her and Sai's cheese conflict last season. They call Jenna over to clear things up, Jenna clarifies that she called Erin because she does not want her to think she brought the story up to stirring the pot. Jessel does not want to get involved. Brynn joins the ladies, Erin accuses Brynn of lying and argument ensues. Sai joins the group, Brynn thinks Erin told Jeff Lewis that she sleeps with men for money. The ladies think having a sugar daddy is great. Sai interjects with Jeff Lewis did not say that (the radio interlude shows Jeff Lewis heavily implying but did not say the exact words). Sai accuses Brynn for being jealous that Erin and Jenna got close, the night at Jenna's is brought up, stating there was tension between Brynn and Jessel. Brynn states the tension is from Sai's text of "f*ck you jessell and your Dory from finding nemo look a like husband too". Sai is mad and yells at at Brynn, calling her "Satan" and "narcissist". The argument escalates and Sai storms off to another table with Mel, Racquel, and Rebecca. Brynn leaves with Daris. Ubah arrives after the showdown.

Erin and Utah talk about Brynn’s get together previous episode while Erin’s mom tries on wigs in You Can Run But You Can't Ride. Erin is hurt and thinks Brynn is purposefully damaging her and Jenna’s friendship at a particularly vulnerable time for her. Thing has been “weird” between Erin and Jenna for the past 6 months and Erin thinks Brynn is to blame, despite Jenna stating it is not because of Brynn. Erin states Jenna revealed to all the ladies in Anguila about her money troubles that comes and goes. Erin thinks Brynn thought she was planning to take Jenna down when she rehashed the uber story. Erin recalls the cheese incident previous season. On another day, Erin walks up flights to stairs to visit Brynn, who informs her the elevator’s broken but has poured water for her. Brynn notes Erin’s haircut, questioning if she’s going through something. Erin didn’t elaborate and dives into an argument with Brynn about her get together the other night. Erin apologizes to Brynn about not defending Brynn when Jeff Lewis insinuated Brynn is a sugar baby on his radio show. Brynn cries, stating she was hurt by the comment on the show, but accepts the apology and apologizes to Erin about the Jenna situation. Brynn explains that her ego was bruised because Jenna was surprised she forgave Erin quickly. They agree to disagree, Erin stating she just needs support from the ladies at a difficult time while breaking down crying. Brynn consoles her and they have champagne.

Ubah checks in with Brynn after missing her at her get together in Dramamine Drama, they leave for the living room and talk about Brynn and Sai’s conflict. Erin follows, and then Sai. Ubah and Erin leave to give the ladies privacy. Brynn apologizes to Sai, stating she does not want to hurt her. Sai feels Brynn did not hear her side of the story. Sai brings up Brynn supposedly told Jenna Sai hates her, Brynn calls Jenna over. Jenna walks back on her statement at Brynn’s get together, her exact quote was “it was this one, over here” while nodding her head toward Brynn. Jenna attempts to explain she heard multiple people telling her Sai does not like her and it was not her intent to “highlight” Brynn. Sai thinks it was still Brynn’s fault while Brynn is adamant of her innocence. Argument ensued with Erin joining and interjecting. Erin tries to help resolve the situation but inadvertently takes Brynn’s side, leading to Sai’ resentment. Sai leaves the argument. Later on, Brynn and hugs Sai at Erin’s encouragement, the ladies cheer as the two seem amicable at the moment.

Ubah, Erin, and Jessel talk about Brynn and Sai’s conflict. Ubah tells the ladies what Sai told her privately earlier that she is still mad at Brynn. Ubah states she’s not having as much fun with the ladies, because she’s afraid of opening up and getting her words “twisted”. She calls the ladies “pigeons”, pigeon carriers that is through the game of telephones. Brynn joins the ladies, thinking Sai and her had resolved their issues. Ubah relays to Brynn what Sai had told her, Brynn does not believe Ubah and questions the ladies of talking about her and Sai’s relationship. Ubah thinks Brynn lies a lot and they begin arguing. Ubah accuses Brynn of sweeping things under the rug and ignoring the issues. The argument descends into a single syllable fight of Ubah and Brynn repeating the words “no” and “done”, ending with no resolution. The next morning, Erin tells Brynn she thinks the game of telephone has to stop in the group. Brynn states she’s a bit of both the “twisted” and the “twister” of words.

Brynn tells Erin she wants to leave after feeling ganged up on by Ubah and Sai in Match Point of No Return. Erin comforts her and convinces her not to leave. At breakfast, Ubah hugs Brynn and proceeds to confront Brynn about an incident last night where Erin pulled Ubah aside, asking her to work things out with Brynn. Brynn, who was also present advises Ubah to “use her words” in arguments, not wanting her to be portrayed as the “angry black woman” (Brynn is half black). Erin had anticipated Ubah would not like Brynn’s comment and being told how to behave, Erin is correct. Ubah gets emotional, asking Brynn to not tell her how to act, interrupt her, or be condescending towards her. Brynn states she understands but tells Ubah she does not like being called names. Ubah returns with she only called Brynn a “snake” because she behaves like one. Argument ensues, with Erin and Racquel asking Ubah to let Brynn speak. Brynn declines to speak and Ubah storms off with Sai following. Brynn states she’s done trying to “help” Ubah and says there’s “nothing going on upstairs”. Brynn starts crying stating she wanted to leave yesterday with the remaining ladies consoling her.

Jessel Taank[]

Season 15[]

Erin, Ubah, and Erin's friend Rebecca have lunch in Apple of My Lie. Brynn and Erin seem to have issues, Jenna hosted a get together for all the ladies, but Ubah did not attend. At the end of the night, Jenna asked Erin to stay behind and informed her that Brynn said Erin called Jenna poor. According to Jessel, Erin told her and Brynn that while having lunch with Jenna in the Hamptons, Jenna's car broke down. Erin called Jenna an Uber, and Jenna did not pay Erin back. Jessel thinks Brynn hears a different story whereas Jenna cannot pay Erin back because she is having money troubles. Erin vehemently refutes Brynn's version. Jenna feels trapped between Erin's and Brynn's versions of the story. Erin thinks Brynn is trying to get her back for Jeff Lewis (see next paragraph).

Jenna and Jessel accompany Brynn on her hunt for a kitchen table. Brynn clarifies she invited Jenna for her taste and Jessel for her honesty. Jenna realizes she has body odor, Jessel and Brynn are elated that Jenna is human. Brynn brings up Erin speculating where her money comes on Jeff Lewis's radio show, tension remains despite Erin's apparent apology at Jenna's hangout. They talk about the alleged story of Erin calling Jenna poor, Jenna says Erin told her she did not say it. Jessel thinks Erin was joking, Brynn does not think Erin was joking.

At Brynn's dinner, tension between Brynn and Erin runs high, as Jenna had refreshed Erin on their conversation while furniture hunting. Jessel tells Brynn Erin texted her "so disappointed" previous night while they go to the bar. Although without context Jessel thinks its about their conversation at the furniture store, and deduces that Jenna must had relayed it to Erin. Jessel and Erin are annoyed at the cryptic message. Jessel confronts Erin on the cryptic text, they talk separately from the group. Jessel states she does not think Erin called Jenna poor, Erin complains about Brynn and thinks she manipulates stories and uses it against other people. Erin brings up her and Sai's cheese conflict last season. They call Jenna over to clear things up, Jenna clarifies that she called Erin because she does not want her to think she brought the story up to stirring the pot. Jessel does not want to get involved. Brynn joins the ladies, Erin accuses Brynn of lying and argument ensues. Sai joins the group, Brynn thinks Erin told Jeff Lewis that she sleeps with men for money. The ladies think having a sugar daddy is great. Sai interjects with Jeff Lewis did not say that (the radio interlude shows Jeff Lewis heavily implying but did not say the exact words). Sai accuses Brynn for being jealous that Erin and Jenna got close, the night at Jenna's is brought up, stating there was tension between Brynn and Jessel. Brynn states the tension is from Sai's text of "f*ck you jessell and your Dory from finding nemo look a like husband too". Sai is mad and yells at at Brynn, calling her "Satan" and "narcissist". The argument escalates and Sai storms off to another table with Mel, Racquel, and Rebecca. Brynn leaves with Daris. Ubah arrives after the showdown.

Ubah, Erin, and Jessel talk about Brynn and Sai’s conflict in Dramamine Drama. Ubah tells the ladies what Sai told her privately earlier that she is still mad at Brynn. Ubah states she’s not having as much fun with the ladies, because she’s afraid of opening up and getting her words “twisted”. She calls the ladies “pigeons”, pigeon carriers that is through the game of telephones. Brynn joins the ladies, thinking Sai and her had resolved their issues. Ubah relays to Brynn what Sai had told her, Brynn does not believe Ubah and questions the ladies of talking about her and Sai’s relationship. Ubah thinks Brynn lies a lot and they begin arguing. Ubah accuses Brynn of sweeping things under the rug and ignoring the issues. The argument descends into a single syllable fight of Ubah and Brynn repeating the words “no” and “done”, ending with no resolution.

Ubah Hassan[]

Season 15[]

Erin, Ubah, and Erin's friend Rebecca have lunch in Apple of My Lie. Erin and Ubah are now on good terms despite their conflict previous season. Brynn and Erin seem to have issues from a Jenna hosted get together for all the ladies, but Ubah did not attend. Erin gets a haircut in order to wear wigs in solidarity with her mother, who is undergoing chemotherapy due to her breast cancer prognosis in You Can Run But You Can't Ride. Ubah joins Erin and her mom, Dorothy at the wig shop. Ubah states she was the first person Erin called after finding out her mother’s dancer diagnosis. Erin and Utah talk about Brynn’s get together previous episode while Erin’s mom tries on wigs. Erin is hurt and thinks Brynn is purposefully damaging her and Jenna’s friendship at a particularly vulnerable time for her. Thing has been “weird” between Erin and Jenna for the past 6 months and Erin thinks Brynn is to blame, despite Jenna stating it is not because of Brynn. Erin states Jenna revealed to all the ladies in Anguila about her money troubles that comes and goes. Erin thinks Brynn thought she was planning to take Jenna down when she rehashed the uber story. Erin recalls the cheese incident previous season. Ubah inquires about Abe, Erin starts crying and wishes Abe to just be there for her in this difficult time instead of creating additional baggage for her. Ubah symphazises but is unable to offer full compassion as Erin is keeping what Abe has done in confidence. Erin alludes to Abe betraying her by making decisions without her knowledge and the consequences resurfacing at the same time as her mother’s prognosis.

Erin tells the ladies she called Racquel and inquired why she’s driving to the Hamptons alone in Dramamine Drama. Racquel states she gets extremely car sick and neither Sai or Ubah were willing to give up the front seats, to which both ladies are surprised by and object to the group. Sai shows the ladies her text with Racquel, where Racquel never replied to her suggestion of taking Dramamine. Jenna arrives and followed by Racquel, Sai asks Racquel why she did not ride with them. Turns out it was a misunderstanding as Racquel was asking to drive Sai’s car to prevent car sickness. Ubah checks in with Brynn after missing her at her get together, they leave for the living room and talk about Brynn and Sai’s conflict. Erin follows, and then Sai. Ubah and Erin leave to give the ladies privacy. Brynn apologizes to Sai, stating she does not want to hurt her. Sai feels Brynn did not hear her side of the story. Sai brings up Brynn supposedly told Jenna Sai hates her, Brynn calls Jenna over. Jenna walks back on her statement at Brynn’s get together, her exact quote was “it was this one, over here” while nodding her head toward Brynn. Jenna attempts to explain she heard multiple people telling her Sai does not like her and it was not her intent to “highlight” Brynn. Sai thinks it was still Brynn’s fault while Brynn is adamant of her innocence. Argument ensued with Erin joining and interjecting. Erin tries to help resolve the situation but inadvertently takes Brynn’s side, leading to Sai’ resentment. Sai leaves the argument.

Ubah, Erin, and Jessel talk about Brynn and Sai’s conflict. Ubah tells the ladies what Sai told her privately earlier that she is still mad at Brynn. Ubah states she’s not having as much fun with the ladies, because she’s afraid of opening up and getting her words “twisted”. She calls the ladies “pigeons”, pigeon carriers that is through the game of telephones. Brynn joins the ladies, thinking Sai and her had resolved their issues. Ubah relays to Brynn what Sai had told her, Brynn does not believe Ubah and questions the ladies of talking about her and Sai’s relationship. Ubah thinks Brynn lies a lot and they begin arguing. Ubah accuses Brynn of sweeping things under the rug and ignoring the issues. The argument descends into a single syllable fight of Ubah and Brynn repeating the words “no” and “done”, ending with no resolution. The next morning, Ubah and Sai talk about the telephone going on in the group. Sai brings up Erin delivering the message of Racquel saying Sai requiring her to sit in the backseat if they ride together. Erin pulls Ubah aside after her fight with Brynn at breakfast and advises her on not taking on Sai’s fight, predicting bigger drama on the horizon, which Ubah is complacent about.

Brynn tells Erin she wants to leave after feeling ganged up on by Ubah and Sai in Match Point of No Return. Erin comforts her and convinces her not to leave. Erin appreciates Ubah, who’s muslim, for helping and joining Shabbat. At Shabbat, Erin puts fake cockroaches in Jenn’a pavlova while Jenna is whipping the meringue. Jessel finds the fake cockroach, Ubah runs to the toilet to throw up the food. Sai runs after Ubah to tell her the roach is fake, but throws up herself too in the sink after seeing Ubah puke. At breakfast, Ubah hugs Brynn and proceeds to confront Brynn about an incident last night where Erin pulled Ubah aside, asking her to work things out with Brynn. Brynn, who was also present advises Ubah to “use her words” in arguments, not wanting her to be portrayed as the “angry black woman” (Brynn is half black). Erin had anticipated Ubah would not like Brynn’s comment and being told how to behave, Erin is correct. Ubah gets emotional, asking Brynn to not tell her how to act, interrupt her, or be condescending towards her. Brynn states she understands but tells Ubah she does not like being called names. Ubah returns with she only called Brynn a “snake” because she behaves like one. Argument ensues, with Erin and Racquel asking Ubah to let Brynn speak. Brynn declines to speak and Ubah storms off with Sai following. Brynn states she’s done trying to “help” Ubah and says there’s “nothing going on upstairs”. Brynn starts crying stating she wanted to leave yesterday with the remaining ladies consoling her.

Sai De Silva[]

Season 15[]

Erin tells the ladies she called Racquel and inquired why she’s driving to the Hamptons alone in Dramamine Drama. Racquel states she gets extremely car sick and neither Sai or Ubah were willing to give up the front seats, to which both ladies are surprised by and object to the group. Sai shows the ladies her text with Racquel, where Racquel never replied to her suggestion of taking Dramamine. Jenna arrives and followed by Racquel, Sai asks Racquel why she did not ride with them. Turns out it was a misunderstanding as Racquel was asking to drive Sai’s car to prevent car sickness. Ubah checks in with Brynn after missing her at her get together, they leave for the living room and talk about Brynn and Sai’s conflict. Erin follows, and then Sai. Ubah and Erin leave to give the ladies privacy. Brynn apologizes to Sai, stating she does not want to hurt her. Sai feels Brynn did not hear her side of the story. Sai brings up Brynn supposedly told Jenna Sai hates her, Brynn calls Jenna over. Jenna walks back on her statement at Brynn’s get together, her exact quote was “it was this one, over here” while nodding her head toward Brynn. Jenna attempts to explain she heard multiple people telling her Sai does not like her and it was not her intent to “highlight” Brynn. Sai thinks it was still Brynn’s fault while Brynn is adamant of her innocence. Argument ensued with Erin joining and interjecting. Erin tries to help resolve the situation but inadvertently takes Brynn’s side, leading to Sai’ resentment. Sai leaves the argument. Later on, Brynn and hugs Sai at Erin’s encouragement, the ladies cheer as the two seem amicable at the moment.

Ubah, Erin, and Jessel talk about Brynn and Sai’s conflict. Ubah tells the ladies what Sai told her privately earlier that she is still mad at Brynn. Ubah states she’s not having as much fun with the ladies, because she’s afraid of opening up and getting her words “twisted”. She calls the ladies “pigeons”, pigeon carriers that is through the game of telephones. Brynn joins the ladies, thinking Sai and her had resolved their issues. Ubah relays to Brynn what Sai had told her, Brynn does not believe Ubah and questions the ladies of talking about her and Sai’s relationship. Ubah thinks Brynn lies a lot and they begin arguing. Ubah accuses Brynn of sweeping things under the rug and ignoring the issues. The argument descends into a single syllable fight of Ubah and Brynn repeating the words “no” and “done”, ending with no resolution. The next morning, Ubah and Sai talk about the telephone going on in the group. Sai brings up Erin delivering the message of Racquel saying Sai requiring her to sit in the backseat if they ride together.

Brynn tells Erin she wants to leave after feeling ganged up on by Ubah and Sai in Match Point of No Return. Erin comforts her and convinces her not to leave. At Shabbat, Erin puts fake cockroaches in Jenn’a pavlova while Jenna is whipping the meringue. Jessel finds the fake cockroach, Ubah runs to the toilet to throw up the food. Sai runs after Ubah to tell her the roach is fake, but throws up herself too in the sink after seeing Ubah puke.

Racquel Chevremont[]

Season 15[]

Erin tells the ladies she called Racquel and inquired why she’s driving to the Hamptons alone in Dramamine Drama. Racquel states she gets extremely car sick and neither Sai or Ubah were willing to give up the front seats, to which both ladies are surprised by and object to the group. Sai shows the ladies her text with Racquel, where Racquel never replied to her suggestion of taking Dramamine. Jenna arrives and followed by Racquel, Sai asks Racquel why she did not ride with them. Turns out it was a misunderstanding as Racquel was asking to drive Sai’s car to prevent car sickness. The next morning, Ubah and Sai talk about the telephone going on in the group. Sai brings up Erin delivering the message of Racquel saying Sai requiring her to sit in the backseat if they ride together.

Rebecca Minkoff[]

Season 15[]

Erin, Ubah, and Erin's friend Rebecca have lunch in Apple of My Lie. Erin invites Rebecca to Brynn's upcoming dinner. Erin recites Kiddush in Match Point of No Return, stating traditionally men leads the prayer while women light candles. But has a theory that women avoid the prayer as it is long and boring. Rebecca helps Erin finish the prayer, Erin doesn’t understand how Rebecca can be both Jewish and Scientologist, two opposing religions.


Abe Lichy[]

Season 15[]

Erin visits Serendipity with her husband Abe and the kids in Apple of My Lie. They have moved from Tribeca to the Upper West Side, where Abe and her grew up. Erin is emotional because her mom has breast cancer. Erin's kids complain about their new apartment being small, Abe is considering looking for a townhouse but Erin reiterates they had just moved. The kids runs off to play. Abe makes a joke about taking mushrooms and looking at the mural on the ceiling, Erin is offended. Flashback shows Erin making jokes about taking mushrooms on the cast trip last season. Abe thinks Erin is controlling what he can say, they argue and Abe leaves to find the kids.

Ubah inquires about Abe while wig shopping for Erin's mom in You Can Run But You Can't Ride, Erin starts crying and wishes Abe to just be there for her in this difficult time instead of creating additional baggage for her. Ubah symphazises but is unable to offer full compassion as Erin is keeping what Abe has done in confidence. Erin alludes to Abe betraying her by making decisions without her knowledge and the consequences resurfacing at the same time as her mother’s prognosis. Later on Erin tells Abe about the resolution Brynn and her came to over dinner. Erin is hosting the ladies at their home in the Hamptons and hopes it will be a drama free trip. Erin reveals the reason she is mad at Abe is because Abe sold their Bitcoins without her knowledge. Erin found out when she was about to sell them to pay off their mortgage. Erin also found out Abe has other unpaid bills from previous businesses, putting them in financial jeopardy. Abe explains he didn’t want to tell Erin about their money trouble to protect her, but recognizes his mistakes. Abe and Erin seem to be passive aggressive with each other with Abe stating they did not know each other as well when they were married, Erin talked about being flew out for dates. Abe blames Erin and his insecurities for needing to provide and live out to Erin’s luxurious living standards. Erin wants Abe to work on improving himself.


Promotional Photos[]

Confessional Interviews[]

Relationships Confessional Interviews[]

Intro Cards[]

Reunion Photos[]



  • TBA