Kyle Richards is a current main cast member on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She also appeared as an "All Star" during the first season of The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip.
Richards joined The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills during its first season; making up one of the six original main cast members of the show (starring as a 'Housewife'). She has remained a permanent fixture on the show - being a 'Diamond Holder' in a main capacity for thirteen seasons and is currently starring in her fourteenth as one too,
In addition to this, Richards appeared in the first season of The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip as an "All Star" which was filmed in Turks and Caicos, in a property owned by her Husband’s company, The Agency. Unlike the other six 'Housewives' who came from three other American installments of The Real Housewives franchise, Richards represented the Beverly Hills installment alone.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills[]
Season 1[]
To Be Completed.
Season 2[]
To Be Completed.
Season 3[]
To Be Completed.
Season 4[]
To Be Completed.
Season 5[]
To Be Completed.
Season 6[]
To Be Completed.
Season 7[]
To Be Completed.
Season 8[]
To Be Completed.
Season 9[]
To Be Completed.
Season 10[]
To Be Completed.
Season 11[]
To Be Completed.
Season 12[]
To Be Completed.
Season 13[]
Kyle battles with her home life, her marriage, and a new friend that may or may not be a new lover.
Season 14[]
Kyle Richards steps into an uncharted phase of life, grappling with the reality of her separation from her Husband, Mauricio. With their Daughter, Alexia, also out of the house, Kyle’s once bustling home is no longer what it used to be, leaving her to adjust to her new normal.
The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip[]
Season 1[]
To Be Completed.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills[]
Season 1[]
Kyle is on a mission to help her Sister, Kim Richards, with a few things in life. She promised her Mother (when she was in her dying days) that she’d look after her whole family (Kim especially as a co-dependent person and as a divorcee). This proves trying when the Sisters squabble over the smallest of things. As Kyle attempts to help Kim branch out of the phase where her kids are her the focus, it proves easier said than done as Kim appears to be uncomfortable and find it challenging to form new connections with some of Kyle’s friends. Additionally, as Kim is trying to find her new home, Kyle does everything she can to make the process easier for her older Sister but the mixed messaging also drives Kyle insane. With Kyle being asked not be so intrusive in Kim’s life, by Kim, she finds it increasingly difficult to help her and stick to honoring her Mother’s dying wish. An example of this is when Kim’s Daughter, Whitney, comes to her Mother with a proposal which threatens to rock her Mother’s world and leaves the Sisters arguing over what is best for Whitney and how involved Kyle should be in the decision-making process.
In addition to helping out her Sister, Kyle is very keen to be a dedicated Mother; which is shown when she plans and throws the second birthday party for her youngest Daughter, Portia. Since Kyle isn’t into the Beverly Hills competitive scene when it comes to kids' parties, she opts to spend only $12,000, she wants it to be a family event (where kids and their families sit together) and chooses not to serve alcohol at a kids party since it is not the right environment. Kyle is described (by Husband, Mauricio, and Lisa Vanderpump) and shown to be adoringly looking at Portia and really wanting to make it the best day for her which sums up her life priority. While Kim arrives late to the party which slightly riles up Kyle, the difference in opinion doesn’t lead to anything more than a jovial joke about Kim’s timekeeping which proves there is some things that the Sisters don’t have to argue over. To end Portia’s birthday party, Kyle requests that Mauricio leads the "Happy Birthday" song when Portia’s birthday cake is served since she wants to instill tradition in her kids; in the hope that they can connect with their heritage.
Season 2[]
To Be Completed.
Season 3[]
To Be Completed.
Season 4[]
To Be Completed.
Season 5[]
To Be Completed.
Season 6[]
To Be Completed.
Season 7[]
To Be Completed.
Season 8[]
To Be Completed.
Season 9[]
To Be Completed.
Season 10[]
To Be Completed.
Season 11[]
To Be Completed.
Season 12[]
To Be Completed.
Season 13[]
To Be Completed.
Season 14[]
To Be Completed.
The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip[]
Season 1[]
To Be Completed.
Kim Richards[]
Season 1 (RHOBH)[]
In Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Wealthiness, Kim and Kyle are introduced as Sisters who are very close yet are at a stage in their lives where they’re finding that each other are getting on each other’s nerves. As Kim is house hunting, she leans on Kyle for support. However, when they’re going round of the potential homes that Kim is looking to buy, Kyle grows frustrated with Kim’s constant change of heart and mixed messages about what her priorities are, when she wants to move, how many bedrooms that she wants, and more. However, Kyle is keen to stick to the promise that she gave her Mother (when she was in her final days) to look after Kim since Kim is divorced and a very co-dependent person. She decides to invite out Kim to meet some of her friends when Adrienne Maloof hosts a day in Las Vegas to watch a Sacramento Kings basketball game; since she wants Kim to branch out and live a life outside of just her kids. Kyle and Kim have a little disagreement when back in Beverly Hills as they clash over how involved Kyle is in the process of helping Kim find an ideal home for her, as Kim feels Kyle is a little too involved in her personal life where she would step back and let her Sister have her own space to deal with her own personal life. They argue over how much of an effort Kim made with the group during the day trip to Las Vegas (which they have differing opinions of how well Kyle handled introducing her Sister to her friends), what Kim’s priorities should be for her new house and what Kim’s priorities should be in life (Kim feels it still needs to be on her kids, Kyle thinks differently). Kyle ends up feeling under appreciated and storms out of Kim’s house; telling her to handle things on her own. Kim feels Kyle has no idea what it is like to be a single mother and is very appreciative of her Sister’s help but there has to be some boundaries.
In Chocolate Louboutins, the pair of Sisters, alongside Lisa Vanderpump, spend Easter together with their families in Palm Desert; which is an early family tradition from when they were young. While the Richards Sisters had a recent bust up, they are both willing to put it behind themselves and concentrate on having a good Easter. Kyle mentions that this fits in with their usual relationship dynamic - one minute arguing like crazy and the next cuddling each other. When Kim and her kids arrive in Palm Desert, Kim and Kyle realize that they have differing parenting styles and clash over whether it was wise to invite round Kyle’s friends on the first night that they arrived but these small tiffs don’t stop them from shopping together and also disagreeing on each and every item that they purchase. During the meal preparation on their first night in Palm Springs, there is a little disagreement after Kim pokes fun at how Kyle is incessant about having organic food. This prompts Kyle to admit that she and her Sister have underlying issues in and amongst their relationship which means the smallest disagreement causes bigger arguments nowadays. Despite yet another blip, the pair of Sisters make it through the Easter weekend together and Kyle reckons that she and Kim are now back to being in a normal place but finds it impossible to predict how long this will last for. Back in Beverly Hills, during Kim’s second Daughter, Whitney’s, birthday party, Kyle and Kim’s issues boil over once again. As Whitney is planning on heading to Houston, where her Dad, boyfriend and friends are, for the summer, Kim seeks backing from Kyle to tell her Daughter not to go since she is worried that a Summer will turn into forever. Despite this, Kyle is unwilling to do this as she wants to give her own opinion which is contradicting this. Kim is frustrated that Kyle is unwilling to support her, no matter what, which is what she thinks her Sister should be doing. Additionally, Kim finds Kyle to over-step the mark once again when it comes to almost parenting Kim’s children and not letting Kim do the parenting. Kyle finds Kim always able to turn a fun occasion into a negative and is worried she will not be able to stick to her word to her Mother to look after Kim and the entire family (which includes Kim’s kids) since Kim is very stubborn and not able to stand on her own two feet.
In Plenty of Baggage, Kyle admits that she hasn’t always agreed with her Sister’s taste in men and jokes how she should be vetting the guy that Kim is about go on a date with before she meets him. There are no downs on their second group trip to Las Vegas which is positive for the pair.
In It’s My Party and I’ll Spend If I Want To, Kyle invites Kim to her youngest Daughter, Portia’s, second birthday party. Since Kim is moving into her new home on the exact same day as the birthday party, Kim is unable to arrive earlier than the party start time and help set the backyard up for the party. While Kyle is a little disappointed that Kim did not arrive early and, in fact, arrived late to the party, they turn the topic into more of a joke and don’t let a minute detail cause an argument.
Lisa Vanderpump[]
Former Friend[]
Season 1 (RHOBH)[]
In Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Wealthiness, Lisa and Kyle describe each other highly as Lisa calls Kyle her "partner-in-crime", indicating that they already have a withstanding friendship. As Lisa goes onto say how funny she finds Kyle, she points out that they’re so close since they both have a handbag addiction! Lisa, does however, find flying with Kyle a little annoying since the latter is such a nervous flier and it brings out her dramatic and neurotic side, according to Lisa. At lunch, in Las Vegas, Kyle seems most comfortable with Lisa and tries to imitate her English accent; which the latter feels isn’t done too well!
In Chocolate Louboutins, Kyle invites Lisa to spend Easter with herself, her Sister, Kim Richards, and their families. They all enjoy the festivities together and while Kyle commends how Lisa always has the best and biggest things from the cards to the dogs to the gifts, Lisa gushes over how much she adores Kyle. When the pair of Sisters have a little disagreement while away in Palm Desert, Lisa does defend her friend within the mini-battle, which is Kyle.
In Plenty of Baggage, Kyle is in good spirits with Lisa, as normal, as they have a laugh with each other at the airport, during dinners and by pool during the trip that Adrienne Maloof has organized in Las Vegas. Since Camille Grammer and Kyle had a mini-altercation before they left Vegas, Camille vents to their mutual friend, Lisa, and alleges that Kyle questioned why "anyone would be interested in Camille without Kelsey being there". Lisa defends her good friend, Kyle, suggesting that she’d never say such a thing and speculates that maybe Camille misheard or misunderstood Kyle’s wording and intentions.
In It’s My Party and I’ll Spend If I Want To, Lisa attends Kyle’s youngest Daughter, Portia’s, second birthday party; just after attending Taylor Armstrong’s Daughter, Kennedy’s, fourth birthday party. She admits that going from Kennedy to Portia’s birthday party felt more like returning to home and gave her a more authentic and cozier feeling as she arrived in Kyle’s backyard (where Portia’s birthday party was taking place). During this, she is very fond of Kyle looking and celebrating her youngest Daughter, Portia’s, birthday and this reminds Lisa of the time that she had young children.
Adrienne Maloof[]
Season 1 (RHOBH)[]
In Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Wealthiness, how well Adrienne and Kyle know each other is unclear except from the fact that Adrienne considers Kyle one of her girlfriends and admits that she doesn’t have many of these since she has to be selective of her friends as wealthy people can sometimes be chased because of their money and friendships, therefore, have to be strongly considered. Kyle is obviously invited out to Las Vegas on Adrienne’s private jet with the other four 'Housewives'.
In Plenty of Baggage, Kyle is invited, alongside all of the other 'Housewives', once again to Las Vegas, by Adrienne to watch Jay Z perform.
In It’s My Party and I’ll Spend If I Want To, Kyle admits to having invited Adrienne to her youngest Daughter, Portia’s, second birthday party, yet Adrienne politely turned down the offer since she was attending Taylor Armstrong’s Daughter, Kennedy’s, birthday party.
Taylor Armstrong[]
Season 1 (RHOBH)[]
In Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Wealthiness, it is clear that Kyle and Taylor know each other but not all that well. Taylor admits that they met at a one-year-old’s birthday party but has seen Kyle, like the rest of the ladies, at other charity and social events since Beverly Hills is such a small place.
In Plenty of Baggage, during a couple’s getaway to Las Vegas in order to watch Jay Z perform, Kyle seems concerned for Taylor when her Husband, Russell, essentially tells Taylor to get up and leave during their final night in Las Vegas (Kyle likens the way that Russell spoke to Taylor as the way a father would to his child).
In It’s My Party and I’ll Spend If I Want To, Kyle says that Taylor offered that they pulled of a joint-birthday party for their Daughters, Kennedy and Portia, who have birthdates close to each other (two years apart). Yet, Kyle politely declined the offer since she is a self-professed control freak and worried it wouldn’t be such a good idea.
Camille Grammer[]
Season 1 (RHOBH)[]
In Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Wealthiness, there appears to be more of an acquaintance-type relationship between Camille and Kyle as they do not mention how well they know each other but seem to be only getting to know each other on the private jet over to Las Vegas, which Adrienne Maloof has organized. When in Las Vegas, the 'Housewives' go to watch a basketball game involving the Sacramento Kings (the team that Adrienne’s family company owns) and during this match, Camille is quite confidently dancing with the team’s mascot and is a little bit of a show-off, according to Kyle.
In Plenty of Baggage, Kyle questions why Camille keeps referring to herself as a single mother when she still has a Husband (who is away from the family in New York due to a new work role) and has four nannies to look after her kids. This is said after Camille compares herself to Kyle’s Sister, Kim Richards, who is a single mother to four with no staff. During their first dinner in Las Vegas (a trip organized by Adrienne), some of the 'Housewives' recount the first time that they met their Husbands. Kyle appears suspicious and views Camille’s to be far fetched when she claims an agent of Kelsey Grammer’s set him up with her (Kyle doesn’t understand why a date would be set up with Camille specifically). Kyle comments further about Camille’s actions from the fact that she isn’t a girl’s girl (like to sit with the guys by the swimming pool when the girls are all together) and the fact that she kisses a man on the lips that is not her Husband (kisses her close friend, Nick, who ends up joining the group for a bit of the Las Vegas trip). Before they all head back to Beverly Hills, there is an off-camera altercation between Camille and Kyle. While Camille and Kyle were discussing Camille’s plans for Spring Break, Camille alleges that Kyle said, "Why would anyone be interested in you without Kelsey there?". While Kyle had asked follow-up questions about Camille’s plans for the holiday, she denies thinking or saying anything remotely along those lines; with Camille telling Kyle that she could feel her tension and that she doesn’t like being interrogated while also asking what Kyle’s problem was. Camille is uncomfortable that the pair left on uneasy terms but says that she will stand up for herself if someone comes for her while Kyle is left feeling awkward about the situation since she thinks Camille is clearly one to over-react and she doesn’t know what she can/can’t say in case she offends Camille again.
To Be Completed.
Promotional Photos[]
Confessional Interview Looks[]
To Be Added.
Intro Cards[]
Theme Song Snaps[]
To Be Added.
Reunion Dresses[]
"In a town full of phonies, I’m not afraid to be me." | ||
"I'm not the richest girl in Beverly Hills, but I am the luckiest." | ||
"I'm born and raised in Beverly Hills, this is my town." | ||
"I'm from this town, I know what’s real and I know what’s fake." | ||
"In Beverly Hills, you can be anything, but it’s most important to be yourself." | ||
"Planes and yachts are nice, but my happiness starts at home." | ||
"I’m an expert on luxury, and I can always spot a fake." | ||
"In this town, fame and money come and go, but friends should not." | ||
"In Beverly Hills, the truth always has a way of rising to the top." | ||
"Around here, there’s more than just dresses in everyone’s closet." | ||
"This town is a game of chess, but no one is taking this Queen down." | ||
"When you’re the real deal, you don’t have to pretend." | ||
"It’s hard to outrun rumors, but luckily, I’m in better shape than ever." | ||
"These hills have eyes, and they're all staring at me." |
Cast Member Statistics[]
- She is the only 'Housewife' on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to appear in a main capacity in each season.
- Additionally, the only 'Housewife' to appear in some form on every season of the show.
- Kyle’s storylines in the first season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are: attempting to fulfil her promise to her deceased Mother to look after all of their family (especially her older Sister who is co-dependent and a single Mother) which she finds increasingly trying. Additionally, she strives to be the best family woman possible (as a Mother and a Wife).